The students of the PrairieWood Transition Center are very busy! Visit our Blog weekly for updates directly from the students regarding that weeks events and happenings.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A glipse into our Work Experience...

We've been working at our current work sites for a few months now and have finally gotten the camera in to capture what our Work Experience looks like.  Take some time to scroll through today's blog posting and check out our students in action at their community work sites!  Our feature blogger this week is Andy.  Here is what he has to say about his week at PrairieWood...

"This week I learned to clean the dishes.  I enjoyed putting chairs on a cart at work.  I was challenged by following my schedule independently.  At PrairieWood I would like to learn more about riding the bus on route 7."

Have a fantastic weekend!!
Andy and Cassie doing inventory at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca

Ahsia cleaning furniture in the student lounge at the Kirkwood Hotel.

Brian vacuuming the student lounge at the Kirkwood Hotel

Sarah mopping in the student lounge kitchen at the Kirkwood Hotel.

Monday, February 21, 2011

"Wii" Love it!

Sorry for the delay in our blog update.  Friday afternoon was a little hectic!

What an exciting week it has been at the Transition Center!  Thanks to a generous gift from the Ely Rotary, the PrairieWood Transition Center is now a proud new owner of a Nintendo Wii gaming system.  This system gives students the opportunity to explore recreation and leisure activities while improving coordination and focus.  Each student has enjoyed the opportunity to play various games on the system, but the current favorite has to be the Bowling!  Thank you to the Ely Rotary for the donation!  We love it!!  Our feature blogger this week is Sarah.  Here is what Sarah has to say about her week at PrairieWood...

"This week at PrairieWood I learned about riding the city bus.  I enjoyed making turkey.  I was challenged by making a thank you card.  At PrairieWood I would like to learn about dancing at Super Skate."


Friday, February 11, 2011

Baker's Delight!

We had a busy week of baking at the transition center.  The weeks cooking projects were devoted to preparing baked goods for the Bake Sale that will accompany the Ely Rotary's Soup Supper this weekend.  Each group prepared several items.  One group made two delicious Cherry Pineapple "Dump Cakes," one group made three delicious Cherry Chocolate cakes, and one group made a beautiful and delicious Cherry Pie.  We are so appreciative of all the things the Ely Rotary has done and continues to do for our program.  Our feature blogger this week is Kendra.  Here is what Kendra has to say about her week at PrairieWood...

"This week at PrairieWood I learned about the US Stamp in News2You.  I enjoyed making the Cherry Pie.  I was challenged by the Dolch Word practice.  At PrairieWood I would like to learn more about Bowling.  Bowling was fun."

Please enjoy the pictures below from our week of baking.  Also, if you are looking for a great meal on Saturday night, head out to Ely for the Ely Rotary Soup and Chili Supper.  Have a great weekend and enjoy the warm-up that is heading our way!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Despite the snow...

Happy Friday everyone!  It certainly does not feel like a regular Friday around PrairieWood, as this is only our third day of school this week.  An early release and two snow days took away our chances to get out to our community work sites much this week.  We will have a lot of catching up to do when we return on Monday!  With that, and several other projects that had to be put off this week, we know we have some busy days ahead of us catching up on what didn't get done this week.  We did manage, however to have SOME we have some learning to blog about.  We participated in Rollerskating at Super Skate with other special education classes from school districts all around the area.  It was fun to see some familiar faces, and we really enjoyed rollerskating, dancing, and listening to the music.  Our feature blogger this week is Ahisa.  Here is what she has to say about her short week at PrairieWood...

"This week at PrairieWood I learned how to cook Grilled Cheese sandwiches on the stove top.  I enjoyed Rollerskating at Super Skate.  I was challenged by my morning group worksheets.  At PrairieWood I would like to learn more about Rollerskating."

Rollerskating was a FAVORITE activity.  Its a good thing we will be making another trip on February 18th!  To all our loyal and new readers, thank you for tuning in, and have a great weekend!