The students of the PrairieWood Transition Center are very busy! Visit our Blog weekly for updates directly from the students regarding that weeks events and happenings.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Sale Success!

The cold and windy weather forced us inside the day of our Walking Taco Sale.  What a bummer!!  We didn't have a lot of foot traffic, but thanks to our friends from Kirkwood and beyond, we managed to make the sale a great success!  Each student showed just how much of an adult they are by stepping into their assigned roles and working above and beyond.  The maturity and appropriate social skills they showed made the sale a complete success!

To celebrate both our sale and finally a day with beautiful weather, we enjoyed a campfire lunch out at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca this afternoon.  Each student enjoyed grilling their own hotdog and s'more for lunch, exploring the beautiful scenery and nature that the camp grounds had to offer, and topped the afternoon off with a hay-rack ride with our good friend Luke.  Thank you Luke for an enjoyable afternoon and your great hospitality!!!

Our feature bloggers this week are Brian and Cassie B.  Here is what they have to say about their week at PrairieWood.

Cassie B: "This week at PrairieWood I learned about the Royal Wedding in my News2You.  I enjoyed dusting at camp.  I was challenged by not touching my hair while working the Walking Taco Sale.  At PrairieWood I would like to learn more about how to cook Jambalaya."

2011 Walking Taco Sale

2011 Walking Taco Sale

Hay-rack ride at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca
Brian: "This week at PrairieWood I learned about the royal wedding.  I enjoyed finding where the sour cream and the milk are at Hy-Vee.  I was challenged by stapling laundry bags at work.  At PrairieWood I would like to learn more about saying "Thank you" when people buy chips."


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


PrairieWood Students and Staff will be hosting a Walking Taco Sale tomorrow just inside Iowa Hall at Kirkwood Community College from 11am to 1pm.  Stop by to visit with the kids and enjoy lunch.  We will be selling:

Walking tacos for $2.00
Chocolate Chip Bars for $1.00
A variety of Beverages for $1.00

This sale gives PrairieWood students the opportunity to practice a variety of vocational and social skills in a community setting.  All proceeds from the days sale will go to Recreation and Leisure activities that students enjoy.

We'd love to see you there!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Coming to you early...

We are coming to you a little early this week thanks to a Holiday on Friday.  PrairieWood students fought through the rain and cold this week to continue with our usual activities.  Trudging to work through the rain is not as much fun as trudging to work through the sunshine.  We are hoping Spring decides to join us next week and make our activities a little more enjoyable.  Our feature bloggers this week are Andy and Sarah.  This is what they had to say about their week at PrairieWood.

Sarah: "This week at PrairieWood I learned to shop at HyVee for Pineapple.  I enjoyed cooking Pepperoni Melts.  I was challenged by sweeping.  At PrairieWood, I would like to learn more about Group Homes."

Andy: "This week at PrairieWood I learned to vacuum upstairs at work.  I enjoyed vacuuming up sawdust.  I would like to learn more about the other people I work with and cleaning windows.

Have a happy and safe holiday weekend.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Exploring future possibilities...

A typical bedroom in the first house we toured.

Checking out the laundry room.  We know what goes on here!

Admiring the big kitchen in the first home we toured.

This room had a window in the ceiling!  We loved this TV room in the second home we toured.

...another nice, big kitchen in the second home we toured.
At PrairieWood, we spend so much time preparing for the future.  We learn to cook, so someday, when we have to, we can do it by ourselves.  We learn job skills, so that when we're done with school, we are ready to go and work hard.  This past Friday, we spent some time looking at Group homes through the Discovery Living, so that when we decide we are ready to move away from home, we have an idea of the kind of place we would like to live in.  Despite the cold and rainy afternoon, we were able to see two completely different houses and learn some fun things about living in a group home as well as some things that make us nervous.  Above are some pictures from our tour!  Our feature bloggers this week are Ahsia and Kendra.  Here is what they had to say about their weeks at PrairieWood. Ahsia: "This week at PrairieWood I learned to cook fish sticks in the oven.  I enjoyed eating lunch outside.  I was challenged by learning indoor community signs like "caution automatic door."  I would like to learn more about indoor community signs." Kendra: "This week at PrairieWood I learned about the Boston Marathon in the News2You.  I enjoyed making a puzzle.  I was challenged by washing dishes.  At PrairieWood I would like to learn more about going outside for walks."

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Gems of Cedar Rapids

At PrairieWood we like to explore our community, and tryout many different activities and places.  We have been able to find little "Gems" that have introduced us to great people, delicious treats, and wonderful experiences.  We found two of those gems this week.  The first was the Sykora bakery in the Czech Villiage.  The other was touring the Wilson Avenue Hy-Vee where we met Susannah, the new Registered Dietitian.  She taught us about the NuVal system that helps Hy-Vee shoppers make healthy purchases, as well as tasting new fruits.  It was such a fun experience!  Thank you to Susannah for all our new learning!  Our feature blogger this week is Cassie B.  Here is what she had to say about their week at PrairieWood.

Cassie B - "This week at PrairieWood I learned a new location at Czech Village.  We went to Sykora Bakery.  I enjoyed being outside.  I was challenged by doing my work at the hotel when there were a lot of people.  At PrairieWood I would like to learn more about how to be more independent on the city bus."

Have a FANTASTIC weekend and thanks for reading!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Coffee Talkin'...

PrairieWood students spend time each week learning use the city bus to access our community.  We go to a variety of places such as Lindale Mall, Hy-Vee, and this week we traveled to a little coffee shop named "Coffee Talk."  While there, we were able to purchase a small snack item.  What a fun time of learning to be independent...using the city bus to travel and making our own purchase!!!  It was a favorite activity for many of our students, and something they enjoy talking about.  Our feature bloggers this week are Andy and Sarah.  Here is what they had to say about their weeks at PrairieWood.

ANDY - "This week at PrairieWood I learned how to take the city bus to Coffee Talk.  I enjoyed pushing pine needles into the woods at work.  I was challenged by transplanting the cherry tomato plants  At PrairieWood I would like to learn more about helping Luke at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca."

SARAH - "This week at PrairieWood I learned to go to Coffee on the city bus.  I enjoyed making French Toast.  I was challenged by doing the dishes.  At PrairieWood I would like to learn more about bowling.

Have a great weekend!